Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Some people, some of my friends think i live a rather happening life and want to know what i do and what goes on in the spare time that i'm not in the office.

So then, what really do i do?

Let me tell you what i don't to begin with. I hate being dragged out of bed, i hate having to wear a shirt and black pants. i'd rather be in my shorts with a loose t-shirt, a robe and a glass of cooool tea (with crushed mint) all the time. I definitely don't like having to drive through the roads of bangalore.
I'd love it if someone picked me up or i rode my cycle to work to begin with. I'd go back and get to my mohito or wine and a large pizza with lots of cheeze. sit with my friends and watch a movie on a big TV. play a game of carrom or dum charades. every few days i'd want to get out of town and go to a jungle and camp there or go to the beach and make out with the pretty girl i'm dating.

Every now and then i'd like to have debate on the nuclear policy, the crazy state of schools and the dressing sense of "todays youth" (btw. i'm all for it).

I also wish i could complete this but a little later i guess! will post again with more of this.

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